Tuesday 22 October 2013

Different Tribes

The Nuba tribe
The Nuba tribe consists of 50 different tribes each having slightly different scarification. The scarification is an ugly process to a viewer to watch and see who is not part of a tribe or use to this culture. Scarification in the nuba tribe indicates different roles each of them have played in there life's, there scars are each like milestones showcasing the ups and downs with similar patterns between all of the tribes. The increased amount of scarification on the person showcases maturity, the scars are also created for sexual desire, and reflects the traditional roles that a woman plays within the tribe. For the men the scarification is an important part of there initiation ceremony into manhood showing you have become a man.

Lecture with keiron LeVine 
Notes on all the different tribes 

We had a lecture with Keiron Levine who explained and talked about all the different tribes in the world that have various and different looks and scarification for our project. This was really helpful and interesting as I never knew there was so many tribes firstly in the world and I did not really understand there looks and also to why they put themselves threw such torture to look the way they do. It also helped with ideas and suggestions towards ideas and potential ideas for the project using scarification and body modification.

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