Tuesday 15 October 2013

Body Modification 'Bagel Heads'

Bagel Heads
Extreme procedure: Practitioner Asami pinches Marin's forehead to insert the needle for her saline transfusionWaiting game: John, Marin and Scorpion must allow two hours for their foreheads to fill with saline

Bagel heads: John (left), Marin (centre) and Scorpion (right) pose after having saline injected into their foreheads to create the bizarre body modfication

Bagel Heads was a video I was shown of these three people who are showing us a new craze that has come about of getting the shape of a bagel on your head. What happens is they get injected on the forehead and the fluid is left to go into the skin for a while and it slowly starts to form a big round shape on the forehead. Once this is swollen to its full capacity a finger is pushed into the centre of this swollen skin making it become the shape of a bagel. The shape only lasts 24 hours and then is completely gone so it is not a permanent procedure My thoughts on this is how did someone find this and proceed to explore how to create a bagel head. I actually find it quite fascinating but at the same time it creeps me out the thought of having something so big and swollen on the head even though it goes down within 24 hours. This shows that exploration is moving on and makes me wonder that within a few years what will people have on there bodies and what will be the new trends will it involve extreme body modification.?
inforamtion sourced from- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2208051/Bagel-head-trend-Are-saline-injections-Japans-extreme-beauty-look-yet.html

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