Tuesday 15 October 2013

Himba Tribe

Himba tribel wax hair.

The Himba have clung to their traditions and the beautiful Himba women are noted for their intricate hairstyles which and traditional jewellery. As Himba men and woman wear few clothes apart from a loin cloth or goat skinned mini-skirt, they rub their bodies with red ochre and fat to protect themselves from the sun and also gives their appearance a rich red colour. For some reason the Himba tribe stood out for me especially these pictures of the hair I really love the detail and texture of the hair which is called wax hair for its obvious appearance off looking like clumps of wax. I think this is a really beautiful look that could be used within a project such as mine and look really effect with different textures, materials and colours in it.

Information sourced from- http://www.pbase.com/dror_yalon/the_himba__the_most_beautiful_people_in_africa

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