Thursday 5 December 2013

Look One Final Images

Images above photographed by 'Nisha Haq'

Necklace Provided By 'Keiron Levine'

Above are a few of the best images from my final look. I am really happy with how this look turnt out and also had a beautiful and perfect model for my final design which helped my design even more. While creating the finished version of this design, a few things changed within the design process, including the fact that I was originally going to shoot these images outside as I wanted a background that had more nature within it, this changed due to having Keiron Levine in and him bringing all his accessories and a lecture advising me that my model might get and look very cold within my photographs if done outside. Something else that changed within my design was the placement of my scarification/gelatine dots, this was because my model originally was going to have her breasts out for the shoot but starting to place the dots around the top of her chest decided that I wouldn't do this and ended up moving the scarification dots to just above the breasts and up and along the arms. I do now wish that even though I like this design that I had done my original design as I think it could of looked really nice. Overall I am happy with my final design and images and especially the ear pieces I made to make it look like she has stretched earlobes, and am happy I got to use one of Keiron Levine's amazing necklaces. 

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