Friday 6 December 2013



When being introduced to the project brave new world is was very fascinating and exciting because of all the elements that could be explored and shown. Starting off by looking at scarring and body modification was very knowledgeable as I did not know too much about either of these subjects or the culture behind tribes who use scarification. I found the seminars very informing and thought provoking along with exploring different techniques and sfx skills in are practical lessons. Both these elements allowed me to explore using different materials to place and be used on the body and think of different resources that could be used to alter the body’s appearance. I researched into various aspects of the project looking briefly at tribes and there scarification along with notes on why they have these different scars and appearances. When exploring materials I looked at many artists such as fashion designers, photographers, jewellery makers and many others who used materials or objects to alter the body’s presence in dissimilar ways either with make-up, garments or accessories. This helped me to see and think about what I could use for final looks and images; I had ideas of what I wanted to do in my head the issue was trialling these to see if they worked and also timing along with another project. One of my looks I trialled and photographed which went ok, but when I came to doing the whole look together with everything it just did not work, this meant I had to change and reconstruct a different idea completely scrapping the one I had giving me less time. Overall I am happy with my final images and models I would of liked a longer period of time to design and make something myself that could of altered and changed the body but used what time I had to explore ideas. Even though I am happy with my images I wish I had given myself more time to explore different designs and materials that could have potentially worked better and photographed better for my final images. I also would have preferred to have shot both or one of my images out of a studio which I had planned on doing but had to change due to circumstances. I felt this project was more rushed with not enough time to really explore as much as I would of liked to and found it more time consuming and hard to time manage along with another big project that was also quite time consuming.

Technical file sign of sheet

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