Thursday 5 December 2013

Look Two Final Images.

I am really happy with how my second images turnt out I like the simplicity of the bottom images and then I like the difference of the top images with the added effect of the necklace adding a brightness of colour and shape. My original idea for this look changed slightly as the gelatine dots on the forehead were meant to have wire threw these with beading on the ends adding to the jewelled effect of the look. When I tested this out I did not actually like this idea as it was to much and needed to be simplified. This ended in me just using everything else but the wire beading effect on the head which I much prefer looking at the outcome of the images. While creating the look the one thing I was worried about going wrong was the hair, I had not practised this properly with the fullers earth cracked effect on the side along with the middle section being pulled back and up as if distorting the shape of the head, I think that the hair turnt out well though and really like the added effect of the fullers earth that I have coloured white on the side of the hair. Overall I am happy with how the design and images turnt out for this look and the photography did not go to badly either which was a bonus.

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