Thursday 5 December 2013

Moodboard Look One

Ideas behind my look

Above is a mood board I created with a few of the more high impacted images that helped me develop my final design. There are influences of tribal elements which I have decided to include as I really like the look of all the scarification on the body. I have also included textured images and also more fashion/catwalk images showing the hair idea I would like and also some of the colours I will be using within the final design. 

Above is the face chart along with design ideas for my first look.This look has been designed from influences such as scarification along with texture and tribal influences. The face has a lot of texture within in with the lower area such as the chest and arms containing more of the scarification idea creating scar like designs using gelatin around the chest area creating a nice design. I will also be making some prosthetic ear pieces out of gelatine so it looks like my model has stretched earlobes.

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